Spank 800 - Hover


113.00 $

“Spank” is a punchy and dominant pickup that cuts through the mix using wide and accentuated Mids, round Highs and stable Lows.

It is dynamic, very versatile and recommended for players who want to have their presence noted. The pickup is extremely articulated and every little touch of a string will pass through – exactly as we planned and want it as bass players. We specially recommend it for Indie and Rock styles, but Blues players will enjoy just as much when going on stage.

This is a live concert master that has Plug And Play attributes!

Spank your band today!

  • It’s a cover. With color…

    4 or 5 String Bass configuration.

    Choose "0" for original setting, "+5%" for higher output, warmer and darker tone, "-5%" for lower output, brighter and crispier tone.

    Wax Potting is done to prevent microphonic feedback. Unpotted pickup may produce feedback but have vintage like qualities and a brighter tone.

Category: Tag:

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg

Technical Specs

Magnet: Alnico V
Coil: 42 AWG Plain-Enamel Pickup Coil
Resistance: ~10.4KΩ
EQ and Output (5-Highest, 1-Lowest):
T : ***
M: ****
B : ***

Wiring & Potting

“Spank” pickup is wax potted as standard.
Compatible with other Coils Boutique Bass Pickups models.
Vintage style Push-back Wire